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1st Annual Emotional Cleansing Conference

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Thank you letter from the Desk of EY


Mighty women and men of God. I pray that this email finds each of you in an emotionally purified and healthy state. I would like to take this time to express my gratitude to each of you, for taking out the time to make the 1st Emotional Cleansing Conference a great success. I am truly looking forward to the 2nd Emotional Cleansing Conference in January 2015. In the meantime please stay tuned. I will be hosting an entertainment night (spoken word, live comedy, and some other forms of entertainment to stimulate the mind and to keep your emotions healed, whole, and healthy) between now and January 2015. 

My prayer for you all today is that this week renders you all unspeakable joy and peace that passes all understanding (which can only come from our Heavenly Father). Please take at least 10mins each day and meditate.

Make sure that you make at least one affirmation and speak it each day out loud. I will be corresponding with each of you between now and January 2015 so that any questions that you may have or concerns that I wasn't able to address due to the time constraint this past Saturday I will be able to answer before the next conference.


Peace and Blessings,

Eugenia Yvette

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